PLEASE NOTE: Questions in this registration will refer to the ORIENTATION PACKET that is located on the NSU webpage under the FORMS tab.
First Name: Middle Initial: Last: Student Id #: DOB:
Preferred Address for Correspondence: Address Line 2:
City: State: Zip: Gender: Sexual Orientation:
Email: **By entering your email address, you give permission to receive email communication from Henderson Student Counseling Services.
Local Address if Different From Above: Address Line 2:
City: State: Zip: Are you a Veteran?: Are you a Smoker?:
Cell: Preferred? Home: Preferred? Primary Language Spoken In the Home:
Do You Have Insurance?: Company Name if Yes: Member #: Group #:
Student Status: Which Program Are You In?:
Race: If Other:
How Did You Hear About Us?:
What would you like to focus on in counseling?:
If you are experiencing thoughts of hurting yourself or others please call 911 immediately.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: By filling in the information below, I give permission to speak to my Emergency Contact if necessary
Name: Relationship:
Address: Phone:
Medical and Counseling Information
Are You Being Treated For Any Medical Conditions?:
If Yes, Describe:
Are You Taking Medications?:
If Yes, Name and Dosage:
Reason for Medications:
Name Of Doctor: Telephone Number:
Have You Ever Been In Counseling Before?:
If Yes, Dates: With Whom:
Have You Ever Been Hospitalized?:
If Yes, for What?:
Please select YES if you give your permission to allow HSCS to speak with NSU officials should there be a perceived incidence of threat due to the growing occurrence of violence on college campuses nationwide.
I have reviewed the information in the Orientation Packet, located on the website, and have received my Notice of Privacy Practices.
If I choose to participate in telehealth services, I agree to download and review the Student Counseling TeleHealth Services Informed Consent to be reviewed by my counselor in session.
Please select YES if you give permission to allow the Henderson Behavioral Health psychiatrist to access your medication history data for use when prescribing medication, only if receiving services with the psychiatrist.
Telehealth Consent Form
Campus Information
Please Upload 3 Files, Picture of your Government Issued ID, Your Class Schedule, and Student ID
Files must be one of these file types: .bmp|.gif|.png|.jpg|.jpeg|.pdf and must be less than 10 MB
1st CHOOSE the file you wish to upload and 2ND you must click UPLOAD FILE to attach document